Abduction Digest, Number 81 Monday, December 14th 1992 (C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved. Today's Topics: Spheres and OOBEs Linda case Linda Case Re: Stats Imaginary or Real? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser) Subject: Spheres and OOBEs Date: 6 Dec 92 23:33:00 GMT DJ> Abductees will also report seeing balls of light in their room seconds DJ>before an abduction. In the same way they will often think that they are DJ>having an out of body experience when in fact they are being floated up and DJ>out of their room. I have even had them "remember" that they could "see" DJ>their bodies still in the bed or chair while they floated up. Investigation DJ>revealed that that was not the case. Along those lines, we have what may be an important case here in Scottsdale - important because we believe it to be a hoax. More precisely, we are probably dealing with a well-intentioned but deranged mind. This gentleman called our hotline to report that an object had landed and left a trace in his front yard. We investigated, and during our interview he reported all manner of mysterious happenings in his past, from a consciously remembered abduction by a Moses-like being to spheres floating around his room to poltergeist phenomena. Over the course of a few interviews it became apparent that he believed himself to be psychic, and at one point predicted that "they" would appear at a given place in Arizona on a certain Saturday, and that we were welcome to drive up with him and take a look. We sent one of our local members up with him, but nothing happened. At one point this individual called us and told us that two men had stopped by his house to look at the landing trace (a small circular patch of retarded grass growth - samples on their way to CUFOS). He said they were dressed "like Mormons" (conservative shirt and tie), and that they were driving a black Ford Taurus. He went outside to ask them for ID, and when they refused, he went in for his gun. When he came back out, they were gone. Last week, he told us another man had come to gawk at the circle, and that he called the police on him. The police arrived, talked to the man for a few minutes, then came to the witness' door and told him it was alright, the man was just a surveyor. A check with Scottsdale police shows no record of a call from our witness on that morning. Ray Maurer, state director of MUFON, performed the check with the police, and is an expert on police computer dispatch systems. He states there is little likelihood that such a call could be erased from the system. When he called the witness again and asked him to step through the incident, the story changed so that the policeman left without speaking to our witness. When confronted with this, the witness hemmed and hawed, and no longer wished to talk about the incident. It is our belief, from the gentle nature of the witness and his seeming desire for attention, that we have an example of someone who is lying about his UFO experiences for reasons other than financial gain. We are handing his case over to a qualified psychologist, but I believe it is important to study such cases in order to get a feel for the "psychology of fabrication," so that we may better recognize it in other cases. It is signficant to note that this individual was hypnotized and regressed to a half-remembered incident in his childhood, where his mother said he disappeared for a few hours. The regression brought out contact with entities, but Ray Maurer, who performed the regression, did not recognize them from any other accounts. The entire incident did not "map" with anything in the investigator's experience. This by itself is not grounds for dismissing the case, obviously, but coupled with his other erratic behavior, it is of interest and may impact on the question of how we distinguish between "true" abductions and false memories or confabulation. A full report of this case is in the works. Again, I feel it is just as important to follow through on cases of this nature as it is to follow up on those we suspect are "genuine." Jim -- Jim Speiser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David.Jacobs@p0.f21.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (David Jacobs) Subject: Linda case Date: 7 Dec 92 07:25:50 GMT John, Unfortunately, Budd does not have a book contract at the present time but he is busy trying to put the enormous complexity of the case into logical order in order to publish it. This is a case that deserves a book to do it justice and I hope that he eventually does publish it. He is coming out with an article in the next (?) MUFON UFO JOURNAL on one of the witnesses to the event. After that, I hope that he can publish the material as a book. Budd has spent nearly two years researching this case. The amount of time and energy he has put into it have been enormous. As all serious UFO researchers know, you do not go into this line of endeavor to get rich. -- David Jacobs - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: David.Jacobs@p0.f21.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen) Subject: Linda Case Date: 8 Dec 92 08:13:21 GMT + The best that I can say is that when Budd completes his ongoing + investigation of this complex and extraordinarily important case you + will all be able to judge for yourselves whether Hansen has asked + hard questions. Hold tight. Give Budd the benefit of the doubt. + Hansen knows very little about this case. Ok, and thanks for the response. Don -- Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael.Carter@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Carter) Subject: Re: Stats Date: 11 Dec 92 20:49:00 GMT Hi Jeff, Sorry for the delay in responding. In answer to your question about my conscious recall--it was somewhat detailed in certain parts and more vague in others. During the encounter I felt that I did not have full control over my body and felt somewhat groggy as if drugged or controlled in some way. During hypnosis, most memories and recall were in somewhat more vivid detail as I relivved the events. Certainly the events were expounded upon under hypnosis as blank spots were filled in that I had not recalled conscouisly. Some of these memories turned out to be the kind that have never been published in books or mags that researchers keep back as checks against possilbe fabrication. Thanks for your interest. Michael S. Carter -- Michael Carter - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Michael.Carter@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeff.Brewi@p0.f812.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jeff Brewi) Subject: Imaginary or Real? Date: 12 Dec 92 17:35:06 GMT I have been reading a book called _The Evidence For ALien ABductions_ by John Rimmer C. 1984... I would like to summarize and\or quote an experiment and the results. The experiment was conducted by Alvin Lawson and William McCall. The concept was to be able to distinguish the abduction info given during hypnotic regression between a real abduction and a hoax(the reason for the hoax for this particular experiment was irrelevent). They wanted a database of info that could distinguish real data from imaginary data. "They began by locating a number of people who would be willing to participate in their experiments, but who knew little or nothing about UFOs - possibly a rather difficult task in Southern California where they operated...These...subjects were then 'led into' a UFO abduction scenario by means of a carefully designed series of leading questions, which suggested the bare outlines of the abduction but left the subject free to fill in the details. These details would come...from the witnesses' own imaginations. They would then be able to compare the imaginary abductions with th real events, and by a comparison of the differences between the two, would be able to gain valuable clues to use when trying to sort out any hoaxes in the cases that came to them as UFO researchers." One interjection here- how did they know that their supposed known- the so-called 'real' abductions were in fact, real abductions? Not saying the supposed real were not real, but no comment in the text mentioned this point. I took the assumption that their real database were witnesses who were not led into the abduction or prior cases, possibly by other researchers. "...But the experiments went spectacularly wrong...what happened was that the 'imaginary' stories were quite indistinguishable from the 'real' experiences, even down to tiny details..." The text then goes further into the stereotyped abductee, some of the stories the witnesses gave, etc...until the text leads into the researchers conclusion, "Birth Trauma Hypothesis." The point here is it is very difficult to distinguish between an actual abduction(if in fact they do occur) and the imagination. Possibly physical evidence(scarring etc...), but then who can prove an alien lifeform is doing the abduction? Much can be inferred into a mind through a prior programming which can come out in a later regression. I believe little to no headway has been made into the proof of alien abductions, other than stories told by potential abductees, which could be imagination or from other programming. -- Jeff Brewi - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Jeff.Brewi@p0.f812.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG ******************************************************************************* Submissions abduct@scicom.alphacdc.com Administrative requests abduct-request@scicom.alphacdc.com FTP archive grind.isca.uiowa.edu:/info/paranet/abduct Permission to distribute Michael.Corbin@paranet.org Private mail to Paranet/Fidonet users firstname.lastname@paranet.org UUCP gateway {ncar,isis,csn}!scicom ********************End**of**the**Abduction**Newsletter************************